Marketing Data Mart

This page provides a detailed description of the Marketing Data Mart (dm_mkt) within the Daasity Data Model and defines each table and column in this schema


The marketing data mart [dm_mkt] is designed to allow merchants to leverage our Unified Marketing Schema (UMS), Unified Order Schema (UTS) and Channel Attribution Data Mart to understand the marketing performance of different channels and Ad platforms using different attribution methodologies to make better decisions

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Click on this link to view the ERD for the Marketing Data Mart [dm_mkt] illustrating the different tables and keys to join across tables.

Tables & Source Code

There are two core tables in the [dm_mkt] schema:

  • [dm_mkt.fct_assisted_orders] - this table is a summary table that contains a record for each day, channel, vendor (marketing platform) and store. It is designed to aggregate all the non-last click touches that drove an order to help better understand marketing performance

  • [dm_mkt.fct_vendor_level_performance] - this table is a summary table that contains a record for each day, channel, vendor (marketing platform) and store. It is designed to combine attributed sales and marketing spend from each of the different attribution types to easily enable a comparison of marketing performance metrics (ROAS, CPO, CPA, etc.). This table is optimized for reporting and is the source for the Marketing Attribution View

Users with access to our Code Repository can review our code in the following Github repository:

Last updated